What is my email alias?
Your email alias is your <first>.<last>@domain.edu public CSU email address, which is created when your CSU email account is set up.
You also have a deliverable email address. Your deliverable email address is your <NetID>@colostate.edu.
- The deliverable address refers to the internal name for the location on a mail server where your emails are stored. It is the actual address to which emails sent to your email alias are delivered.
- Your deliverable address is also used as your Microsoft 365 account login and User Principal Name (UPN) in Microsoft Windows Active Directory.
Others can send you emails at both your email alias and your deliverable email address, but your email alias can be modified to match your identity.
Applicable to:
- CSU System, Fort Collins, Pueblo, Spur
- students, staff, faculty, associates, retirees, emeritus
You must have an active NetID and a CSU email account created to receive your email alias.
Formatting Details
Your CSU email alias is formatted based on your name and campus affiliation. It follows these formatting requirements:
- It includes your first and last name.
- Your first name can be your legal first name, preferred first name, or any other name like your middle name, First.Middle, or First.MiddleInitial.
- For employees, your last name can be your legal or professional/preferred last name.
- The allowed characters in the email alias are: A-Z, a-z, underscore (_), hyphen (-), and period (.).
Common email alias formats:
CSU Fort Collins staff and students: First.Last@colostate.edu
CSU Fort Collins students (before 2018 - Gmail): First.Last@rams.colostate.edu
CSU Pueblo staff and students (starting from May 2022): first.last@csupueblo.edu
CSU Pueblo students (before May 2022):fm.last@pack.csupueblo.edu
Name Change
- If you change your first or last name (legal or preferred), you will have the option of also updating your email alias through NetID self-service. This will not automatically update on its own.
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