Introduction to Blackboard for Students
Welcome! If you are a new, incoming, or transfer student to CSU Pueblo (or are simply looking for some support as a student), this support article provides an introduction to Blackboard, the Learning Management System (LMS) at CSU Pueblo. Most courses at CSU Pueblo are accessed through Blackboard, so understanding how to access and use it will contribute to your success as a university student.
Currently, CSU Pueblo is using two different course views in Blackboard. Most courses are Blackboard Original, but some information on Blackboard Ultra is also covered here. This article includes video tutorials, links to self-paced courses, and other resources to assist you with learning how to navigate Blackboard.
Login Credentials
Access to Blackboard is through the following link (we recommend bookmarking this link, since students will use it frequently):
To log in to Blackboard, use your NetID and NetID password.
Ultra Base Navigation
Once logged in to Blackboard, you should automatically be directed to the Courses tab. The menu on the left is referred to as Ultra Base Navigation, and there are several important tabs and settings that you can adjust to meet your needs as a student.
To make sure that Blackboard is set up the way you want, we recommend reviewing the video walkthrough of Ultra Base Navigation posted below and this support article for navigating the Courses tab.
Blackboard Self-Paced Course for Students
Blackboard courses are set up by instructors, and each course may look a little different depending on your instructor's preferences. We've set up a self-paced Blackboard course for students who want to see what a course looks like before the semester starts (you must have an active enrollment and Blackboard account in order to access the self-paced course). In the course, you can take a look at assignment submissions, discussion boards, tests, and grades in an Original course.
If you are in one of the few Ultra courses, there are links set up in this self-paced course to demonstrate how the Ultra course works.
Use this link to self-enroll in the 2024-2025 Self Paced Blackboard Training for Students.
Need help with the self-enroll process? This support article has instructions for you.
Blackboard Support Sites
Questions about how something works in Blackboard? The Blackboard Support site has many articles and videos for students to help you find answers to your questions.
Original Course View
If you are in a course that is labelled as Original or looks like the screenshot below, this collection of articles with embedded videos from Blackboard support can show you how to navigate and use your course.
Ultra Course View
If you are in a course that is labelled as Ultra or looks like the screenshot below, this collection of articles with embedded videos from Blackboard support can show you how to navigate and use your course.
Helpful Links
If you have questions related to Blackboard not covered in this article or the linked resources, please don't hesitate to reach out to the IT Help Desk for additional support!
CSU Pueblo Blackboard LMS Login Page:
Blackboard Login Credentials:
Explore the Courses Tab in Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation (Students):
Blackboard Self-Paced Course Link:
Self-Enroll in a Blackboard Original Course:
Blackboard Learn Help for Students - Original Course View:
Blackboard Learn Help for Students - Ultra Course View: