Electronic Forms
CSU uses Dynamic Forms, a Next Gen Web Solutions product, to provide electronic forms to the CSU community. Electronic forms provide a web-based form, with automated approval routing and electronic signatures. Forms can be pre-filled with data pulled from CSU’s systems of record to reduce errors and unnecessary manual entry.
Click here for general instructions on using CSU electronic forms. Individual forms will contain links to form specific instructions.
View Your Pending FormsView Your Forms HistoryView Forms You Are Copied OnElectronic Forms PortalElectronic Forms FAQElectronic Forms SupportData Governance
Need Help with Electronic Forms?
Contact the electronic forms support team by submitting a ticket below.
Submit a Ticket
To fill out and submit an electronic form, click the link of the desired form below.
If you are a form reviewer and will be out of the office for an extended period of time, please submit a support request to the electronic forms support team to re-direct e-forms to an alternate reviewer during your absence. The request must include the name of the form, the name of the delegate who should approve in your absence, and the start and end dates when forms will be re-routed to the temporary reviewer.
Access Requests for the CSU data repository (ODS):
Data Access Request – To request an account and basic access to ODS, use this application.
Private Data Access Request – If you need additional access to more restricted data (such as non-public HR data) or need to request access for a service account, use this form.
Disable Data Access Request – If you are an administrator and need to remove someone’s access to ODS use this form.
Other Forms