Find Courses Assigned to Terms in Blackboard Ultra Base Navigation
The following support article provides information to assist Blackboard users on finding courses from previous semesters that have been assigned to terms in Blackboard’s Ultra Base Navigation.
Course Terms in Blackboard
To ensure proper storage capacity is retained for upcoming semesters, only the last three years of course are retained in Blackboard. Older courses are removed on an annual basis to gain storage space for the next academic year.
Course within the last three years are assigned to terms and made unavailable to students once a semester has ended. Terms are constructed based on the course type and the duration of the course according to CSU Pueblo's academic calendar.
Finding Courses Assigned to Terms
In Blackboard’s Ultra Base Navigation, terms can be accessed from the Courses tab.
- From the Courses tab, users have the option to search for a specific course, use a filter for courses, or view the list of available terms in the Terms list
- Clicking the drop-down arrow in the Terms box will display a list of the terms that courses the user is enrolled in have been assigned to
- Selecting a term from this list will limit the visible courses to those that have only been assigned to the selected term
NOTE: If you still don’t see a course from a semester that should be assigned to a specific term, check the filter option in the term for hidden courses. If you previously hid a course, it will still be marked as hidden in the term it was assigned to.
Term Naming Conventions
Terms are usually named according to the year, semester, and course type to accommodate different course durations. These naming conventions are similar to how course IDs are structured in Blackboard.
- Courses with a 0 after the semester are resident instruction courses that may be in-person, online, or in a hybrid format
- Courses with a 1 after the semester are Independent Study courses offered through the Division of Extended Studies
- Courses with a 2 after the semester are from the Online Program offered through the Division of Extended Studies
Where duration of courses allows, some categories of courses have been combined into one term to cut down on the amount of terms.
For example: 23SUMMER02 currently contains resident instruction and online Extended Studies courses from the summer 2023 semester.
Changing the Availability of Courses Assigned to Terms
If a course assigned to an unavailable term needs to be made available again, for example when a student completing an incomplete needs access to a course from a prior semester, the course duration needs to be changed by the instructor(s).
NOTE: If a course has been assigned to a term, clicking the lock icon to toggle availability of the course off and on will not make the course available to the student.
Here is a video walkthrough of how instructors can adjust the availability of courses assigned to courses for both the Original and Ultra Blackboard course views:
NOTE: After changing the duration, don’t forget to also check the availability of the course by clicking the lock icon if it is red.
Helpful Links
Blackboard Support - Find Your Courses (Student):
Blackboard Support - Find Your Courses (Instructor):
Blackboard Support – Course Terms on Learn SaaS: