WebFOCUS Report Theme (Style Sheet)
In InfoAssist, the report designer tool for WebFOCUS, you have the ability to select a ‘Theme’ when creating or editing a report. Several CSU Themes have been created for use with Finance and Registrar’s reports. Themes are sometimes referred to as templates or WebFOCUS Style sheets.
To apply a Theme to a report go to the Home menu and select the Theme icon. You’ll be presented with a short list of available Templates in the public repository. You’ll also be able to browse through the reporting domains and select a style sheet that’s in a Domain folder. Simply select the style sheet you’d like to use and click Ok. When you run the report you’ll see the effect of the style sheet/theme. While you can’t make changes to the style sheet, settings within the report will override settings in the style sheet. Style sheets have been created for Portrait and Landscape when necessary to place images properly on the page.
Finance Report Style Sheet Details
The Finance style sheet contains settings for the following:
- Image of CSU Ram logo is set in the top left corner of the report
- Page Heading:
- Lines 1 and 2 are font size 12 and Bold.
- Lines 3, 4, 5, and 6 are font size 10
- Page Footer
- Formatting along the left margin for two rows with two columns for the label and the data that are intended to contain the following information.
- Line 1 “Run Date:”
- Line 2 “As Of:”
- Formatting along the right margin for two row with two columns that are intended to contain the following information.
- Line 1 “Page: X of Y”
- Line 2 “Source: WebFOCUS”
One of the keys to the resulting header/footer format is that the report has field separator characters “<+0>” between the label and the text in the page header and page footers. The Finance template also requires the page header to be indented for the CSU Logo. In order to achieve the indent you’ll need to have another field separator character in front of the text. Here’s an example of a 5 line Page HEADING would look like in the text editor, including the double quotes.
- ” <+0>Computer Hardware/Software (6225) Trigger Report”
- ” <+0>RECHARG Accounts – Current FY”
- ” “
- ” <+0>Chart: <+0> “
- ” <+0>Fiscal Year: <+0>&&CUR_FY “
Here’s an example of the standard page footing for finance reports.
- “Run Date:<+0> &DATE &DATEHHIA<+0> Page: <TABPAGENO of <TABLASTPAGE “
- “As Of: <+0>&CUR_FP<+0> Source: WebFOCUS”
These changes can only be done by with “Edit with Text Editor” option in WebFocus.
For questions or support requests, please contact the Data Warehouse team at, doit_data_warehouse@colostate.edu