Getting Started with the Data Warehouse (ODS)
The CSU Data Warehouse (ODS) is a repository of data collected and updated from various Colorado State University systems. These data sources include the following systems:
- Ellucian Banner - Student Information System
- Kuali Financial Systems (KFS)
- General Directory
- Human Resources
- CSU Foundation
- FAMIS – Facilities
- Sponsored Research – Kuali Research (KC)
Requesting Access to the Data Warehouse
To request access to the Data Warehouse ODS, submit a request through the ODS Data Access Request application, . As part of your request, you'll need to select the data areas you're interested in accessing: Student, Finance, Directory, etc. When submitted, your request will follow a workflow for signatures that include your supervisor and departments Data Steward. You can monitor the status of your request through the same web app.
Developer Tools
There are numerous SQL tools in existence, open source/free tools and commercially licensed, fee-based products. Below is a list of SQL tools that we have some familiarity with.
Free / Open Source
Alternative Resources for Data & Reports
ARIESweb is a helpful resource for pre-written reports and includes reports that can be run based on your College or Department information. ARIESweb access requires approval from your supervisor and the Division of Enrollment and Access. If you do not already have full ARIESweb access (the link you wish to access is grayed out or does not appear), you can request it after you login by using the ‘start here with the online approval process’ link at the top of the screen.
Login to ARIESweb
The Data Warehouse (ODS) is maintained by the Data Warehouse Team within the Division of Information Technology (DoIT). For questions or support requests, please contact the Data Warehouse team at, .
For questions or support requests, please contact the Data Warehouse team at,